I met Larry in the fall of 2019 as we both entered cardiac rehab at UCSD. Larry didnt want to be there and frankly neither did I. . Part of the program was a group session where all 16 of us could talk openly about ourselves and our illnesses. It was there that Larry and I realized our common past. While Larry was a few years older than I we both grew up in Hollywood and went to Hollywood High.. Although we didnt know each other in high school, we found that we both had a love for surfing, music and sports. Indeed we later found that we had friends in common. I think we became friends immediately. Larry and I thought differently about some things, particulary politics. But, the beautiful thing about Larry was that he would listen, consider and agree or respectfully disagree. We had many discussions about friendship, love of family, and health. In good times and bad it was always a pleasure to speak with him. In life I believe its special to have a true friend.. Larry was my true friend. How fortunate I was to have known him. May his memory be a blessing to all.
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Remembering Larry Hochstadt
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